07 June 2024
We go above and beyond. Every day, we look for ways to help and care for others—be it our residents, our staff, or our local communities. That’s why we decided to fundraise in aid of a charity that touches all our lives. Gathering names of charities from around the business, we took a vote. It was a landslide. Anavo chose Cancer Research UK.
Unfortunately, nearly 1 in 2 people could be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime. Environmental factors, working conditions and ultra-processed diets are just some of the causes. That means that everyone at least knows one person that has suffered from or been touched by cancer.
Being a care home company, we look after residents who have been affected by cancer themselves or know people who have. We felt compelled to help make a difference for current and future generations.
Cancer Research UK has helped millions of people. Funding scientists, doctors and nurses across the country, they have managed to help the development of life saving treatments and support those suffering with the illness. Altogether, they’re helping to beat cancer sooner.
With our support and fundraising, we can now help them in their plight. We can’t wait to get started! Kicking off our first event in support of Cancer Research UK is our company partner, Ed Moore and our colleague, Julian. Taking on the Knoydart Peninsula ultra-marathon in Scotland, an extreme challenge for the body and mind all for a good cause.
All for a good cause…
Our partner, Ed Moore, always likes a challenge. His various triathlons, an ironman and an intense hike along the Pacific Coast Trail are hard to top. However, with a thirst to push himself further, he tracked down the ultimate test. An ultra-marathon. Not heard of one? Neither had we. An ultra-marathon is a race on foot that exceeds the distance of a traditional marathon, 26.2 miles. And, in Ed’s case, he chose one of the most gruelling and testing of them all. The 125km Knoydart Peninsula ultra-marathon in Scotland.
Somehow, he managed to convince our colleague Julian to do it with him. With the draw of majestic mountains, limitless lochs and glorious glens, not forgetting the chance to spot rare wildlife such as golden eagles, red deer, otters, dolphins and even Minky Whale, how could he resist?
What Ed failed to mention was the rocky mountain terrain and endless, waterlogged bogs they would have to trudge through over three trialling days with only tents for accommodation. Oh, and the months of training and conditioning they would have to do.
Together, Ed and Julian decided to sign up for the event to fundraise for the Anavo chosen charity, Cancer Research UK. Sticking to a regimented training regime, they worked hard to balance work, life and ultra-marathon prep. Given the time of year and the weather, it was no mean feat.
D-day was soon upon them. The travel up to the starting location in Scotland was a mission in itself with the need to use a variety of transportation just to get there.
Arriving at the main base, although a little nervous, they both felt ready to take on the challenge. They listened to the briefing and ensured they had all they needed to make it to the finish.
Carrying all their gear, including food for 3 days, they went to the starting line and were off. The first day of running had begun. Battered by rain across treacherous, uneven ground
for 32 miles took its toll. The second day was brighter, but with over 6,500 ft of elevation gain it was a real test. Finally, they were on the last 25 mile stretch with the end in sight.
Finishing the race was a relief. A great achievement that left them feeling elated, but also a little broken. They may need some time to recover, however the pain was all made worthwhile
knowing that they had raised over £2,900 for such a good cause, Cancer Research UK.
‘The Knoydart Peninsula is a breathtakingly beautiful place, but Scotland served up a real test of our mental strength for this race. Ground conditions were very challenging and with over 15,000 ft of elevation gain and a self-sufficient pack setup you do start to question why you signed up! The finish line at the UK’s most remote pub in Inverie, the Old Forge was a welcome sight. A genuine thank you to everyone who donated, it made the difference in the darker times having an added element for motivation and hopefully we can raise a lot more money for CRUK this year through further challenges” – Ed Moore, Anavo Partner
22 January 2025
15 January 2025
11 November 2024
Caring for those you love can be tough. But you need to be kind to yourself, too.